Feeding Garden Birds – How To Get Started!
It’s a real treat to see wild garden birds eating nuts, grains and seeds that you have provided for them especially in the colder months when you know that you are also helping them to survive the winter. Feeding birds
Different Types of Bird Feeders
One of my earliest memories of spending time with my Scottish granny was going out into her garden every morning, brushing away the snow when it fell, and scattering the ground with an incredible variety of food for her “birdies”!
Should You Feed Birds In The Summer?
Should you feed birds in the summer? This is a question that is much debated especially amongst my mum’s generation but in a nutshell (and according to the RSPB) the answer is YES! So hooray! There’s no need to stop
Where To Place A Bird Bath?
Providing a safe watering hole for our wild garden birds is a wonderful thing to do. It not only helps sustain life but also gives us the chance to observe our feathered friends as they drink, wash, preen and, in
How To Provide Water For Birds
We all know that water is a vital ingredient for life, and this includes for our wild garden birds too. They don’t need bottled water from France or Fiji or filtered water or even fresh rainwater - tap water or
Horatio’s Garden
My GELDA bird baths caught the eye of Dr Olivia Chapple who, in 2011 in honour of her son, started the national charity Horatio’s Garden. During the school holidays, Horatio volunteered at the Duke of Cornwall Spinal Treatment Centre in Salisbury
Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Buy A Bird Bath
Birds are a joy to watch especially when they come to drink and bathe in your bird bath. If you're looking for an easy way to include birds in your gardening space, then a bird bath is certainly the way
How Verdigris Started
I am often asked how did this all begin and of course there is a story to tell. One day two friends were chatting on the telephone about work – one in London, one in Hampshire – but it turns out