Horatio’s Garden
My GELDA bird baths caught the eye of Dr Olivia Chapple who, in 2011 in honour of her son, started the national charity Horatio’s Garden.
During the school holidays, Horatio volunteered at the Duke of Cornwall Spinal Treatment Centre in Salisbury where his father was a spinal surgeon. Horatio wanted to study medicine and it had been his idea to create a garden for patients spending time in the spinal treatment centre and to this end he devised a questionnaire to ask patients what it was they should like included. Tragically Horatio was killed aged just 17.
His legacy lives on and continues to grow and is now helping patients, families and NHS staff with gardens in six of the 11 spinal units in the UK and the seventh is just now being built in Belfast. The eighth has been designed by Charlotte Harris and Hugo Bugg and WON “Best in Show” at RHS Chelsea Flower show 2023!
Each garden has been designed by outstanding award-winning garden designers and they still use Horatio’s original research. Patients and families like being outside in nature surrounded by flowers and plants, listening to the wind in the leaves and wild birds in the trees and the sound of water.
You can imagine how honoured I was (and always will be) when my offer of a donation was accepted. I cannot quite believe it.
On May 2nd, I had the very great privilege of going to Horatio’s Garden at the new Welsh Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Centre in University Hospital, Llandough in Cardiff and delivering five GELDA bird baths. I feel truly lucky to have been able to spend time in this garden. Elevated above the road with views over the Welsh countryside and to the sea, the talented Sarah Price has created a truly special place. The garden is tranquil and calm yet invigorating and inspirational at the same time. A place for healing and enjoyment too. The garden was only opened last year and under the watchful caring eye of Head Gardener Owen Griffiths, who is also a Horticultural Therapist, it is thriving. I loved every second I spent there, especially meeting and chatting with the wonderful volunteers and patients too.
I hope this will be the first of many donations I can make to Horatio’s Garden.
If you would like to donate to this incredible charity you can follow this link: www.horatiosgarden.org.uk.